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ames Fogarty, Scott E. Hudson (Carnegie Mellon University)
The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations
Martin Hachet, Pascal Guitton, Patrick Reuter (LaBRI/INRIA), Florence Tyndiuk (University of Bordeaux 2/INRIA)
Super Wide Viewer Using Catadioptrical Optics
Hajime Nagahara, Yasushi Yagi, Masahiko Yachida (Osaka University)

HDR and Perception

Perception-Motivated High-Dynamic-Range Video Encoding
Rafal Mantiuk, Grzegorz Krawczyk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
Perceptual Illumination Components: A New Approach to Efficient, High-Quality Global Illumination Rendering
William A. Stokes, James A. Ferwerda, Bruce Walter, Donald P. Greenberg (Cornell University)
Supra-Threshold Control of Peripheral LOD
Benjamin Watson (Northwestern University), Neff Walker (UNAIDS), Larry Hodges (University of North Carolina)
High Dynamic Range Display Systems (project page)
Helge Seetzen (Sunnybrook Technologies), Wolfgang Heidrich (University of British Columbia), Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (York University), Greg Ward (Sunnybrook Technologies), Lorne Whitehead, Matthew Trentacoste, Abhijeet Ghosh (University of British Columbia), Andrejs Vorozco

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