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education currently. But the emphasis of training should be put on as the learning tools rather than teaching tool.

2. Information acquiring skills should be training, not only the use of web-browser or search engine, but also the sensitivity, analysis and judge of information.

3. Communicating with the students and their parents by Internet should be trained, along with group and family counseling theories and techniques.

4. Help the teachers to use the computer or Internet for themselves in their work can do much help to improve their ability in organizing the learning environment for students.

5. Developing the ability to understand student’s perspective, to put teacher self in the shoes of student, is the necessary task in the preparation for teachers. Role-play is useful technique.

6. Training in inquiry way also helps teachers learn to look at the world from multiple perspectives, which can avoid a “bias” which limits their understanding of those whom they teach.

7. To arrange the homework for students and their parents to work together is the promise instructional activity. Training should contain such skills.

We do know that the role of teachers should change in the information society. We also know the teachers should develop new skills to organize learning environments and activities to help student experience more valuable learning. Our best hope is that teacher-education also should make change in the information society where life-long learning is needed.

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