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what family means to me?

时间:2022-08-09 19:30:47 大学英语作文 我要投稿
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what family means to me?

we are all  flowers , our  families are our  gardens. it is a place where we can get protected.  as gardeners , our  parents  sacrifice a lot for us  .  no matter what  happens to us, our families will stand in front of us . instead of blaming us , they give us a lot of help.they love us ,no matter what we do . when you fail to do something , your motion will be very low . then family will  give us alot of happiness. our families also teach us a lot .
it tells us how to become a outstanding person , how to do useful things to our homeland , how to live a happy life . in some way , our families are our first teachers in the world , weneed them for ever.
  also we should do somethings for our families .in the future ,we should be their pride.

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