

时间:2023-05-08 18:52:48 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1









  1、本合同签署有效期自____年_____月 ______日至_____年_____ 月____日,其中前____个月为试销期。



  1、甲方授权乙方经销甲方 _________酒产品。

  2、甲方授予乙方______酒产品的销售区域仅限 。


  1、价格按全国统一价执行 ( 价格表附合同 ) 。











  1、乙方应建立起本区域完整的销售网络,保证经销甲方的产品在经销区域内终端铺货达到:商超 家,酒店______家,酒楼______家 ( 附终端明细目录 ) ,产品进入所有终端网点铺货覆盖率第一个月应达到______% ,第二个月以后保持在_____%以上,每月建设堆头、端架的商超数量应保持在商超总数量的_____%以上,经甲方确认。

  2、乙方在经销期内必须完成销售任务 万元人民币(按实际回款额计算),其中首批回款 万元,月度销售比例及任务如下:



  │月份│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │合计│


  │比例│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


  │任务│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


  3、经销期(包括试销期和正式经销期)内乙方保证完成月度销售任务 ,按合同约定完成终端铺货,建设商超堆头、端架。若在合约期内乙方连续累计无法完成两个月度销售任务,或不能按合同约定完成终端铺货数量和商超堆头、端架建设数量,甲方有权取消经销商资格。

  4、在试销期内, 乙方完成合同约定的月度任务、终端铺货率、商超堆头建设数量,则转为正式经销商,甲方发经销商确认通知函。

  5、乙方保证合同指定产品均在限定区域内销售,如窜区域销售,甲方不予兑现销售奖励,并根据数量乙方支付甲方 _____元/件-- _______元/件的违约金,或甲方有权取消经销商资格。



















  3、甲方每月对乙方的考核截止日为当月的_____ 日。


  5 、属甲方投入进店费的终端网点,进店所有权应归甲方。




  3、若双方解约,乙方市场完好无损仍有销售价值的产品,甲方按乙方进货价 ____% 的价格回收,与甲方有关并由甲方提供的资料,乙方应无条件交回甲方。












  │甲 方: │乙 方: │


  │代 表人: │代 表人: │


  │签约时间: │签约时间: │



  │ 酒经销商准入条件 │


  1 、经销商在当地具有合法酒类经营资格、独立的法人资格,提供酒类营业执照、卫生许可证、税务登记证等相关证件原件和复印件。

  2 、经销商具有较强的经济实力和健全的终端销售网络,有两年以上酒类经营的成功经验,具备良好的商业信誉。

  3 、经销商提供市场完整、准确、真实的终端明细目录,经销商签字并加盖公章,供本公司考察、确认。

  4 、具有固定的营业场所及办公地点,具有较强的储备、配货能力。

  5 、拥有一支长期稳定的促销、销售队伍,并提供详细名单,供本公司考察、确认。

  6 、经销商认可本公司操作市场的营销理念,具备市场开拓管理能力。

  7 、厂商达成协议或签订合同时,经销商应先交纳 ____ - ______元的合同保证金,以保证合同的有效执行。


  │ 经销商调查表编号:QG/XS(销售)007 │



  │市 场 │姓 名 │性 别 │年 龄 │文 化 程 度 │


  │ │ │ │ │ │


  │资 金 实 │ │

  │力 │ │


  │信 誉 程 │ │

  │度 │ │


  │配 送 能 │ │

  │力 │ │


  │市 场 关 │ │

  │系 │ │


  │经营产品范│ │

  │围、状况 │ │


  │酒类产品经│ │

  │营状况 │ │


  │可投入资金│ │

  │人力资源 │ │


  │终 端 网 │ │

  │络 │ │


  │时间: │

  │调查人: │


英文合同 篇2


  采 购 合 同

  Contract NO.








  Add. :

  电话: 传真:






  Add. :

  电话: 传真:


  This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and

  regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.

  此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据 <<中华人民共和国合同法>>及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。

  Purchasing Contract terms and conditions of ***garments Season: ***服装采购合同条款:

  1. Description, quantity, unit price, total amount and

  other details of the goods ordered please refer to detail order, invoice and packing list. The name of the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.


  2. Country of origin: China


  Delivery: The seller shall deliver the goods to the warehouse as previously agreed between the two parties.


  The quality of all the garments shall answer for the updated, valid Standard of the Nation and the industry. In case the garments are unqualified or for other reason that shall ascribe the seller’s fault, which brings losses of or damages (including but not limited to fine, expropriate, damage to Goodwill, lawyer’s fee and other losses for the buyer ’s breach of law or

  contract because of the seller fault) to the buyer, the buyer shall has the right to ask seller for damages.


  Seller shall provide 7 original copies of "Approved" Quality Inspection Certificate for each fabric used to produce

  MOTIVI different models 7 days before the delivery date. The certificate must be issued by a Chinese official quality testing

  department, the samples that the seller send to quality test lab shall be representative, can represent the quality of the goods, and the test must follow the Basic Standard GB18401 and include the composition of the fabric. The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations (Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.).

  卖方应于交货日 七 日前向买方提供由中国官方质检部门认可的质检机构出具的所有用来制作。***服装的面料的合格质检报告原件 7 份,卖方向质检机构送检的样品应具有代表性,能够代表大货质量,质检报告应包含纤维含量及国家标准 GB18401 的安全技术要求事项。买方在收到质检报告、装箱单、货物发票等其他文件后按合同约定付款。

  4. For all the goods, the seller shall issue invoice to the buyer, the invoice shall be invoiced to: *** Co., Ltd


  Kind of invoice issued: People’s Republic of China VAT invoice 发票开立种类:中华人民共和国增值税专用发票。

  5. Terms of Payment: Total amount of payment of goods shall be paid in RMB within 30 days issued the invoices.


  Upon signing the contract, the seller shall provide bank information for the buyer to effect payment.

  买卖双方签定订购合同后,卖方需提供公司银行资料给予买方支付货款.。 Payee:




  A/C No.:


  6. Intellectual Property Right

  All the goods, documents and materials that the Seller gets to may concerns intellectual property right of the buyer and *** Group, especially may contains trade marks, copyright and business

  secret of the buyer and *** group. The seller shall keep secret and shall procure that its employee, agent and any other persons who may have access to the above-mentioned information keep

  confidentiality and shall not use it for any purpose at any time or disclose to any third party. The seller shall not

  sell, transfer any products or materials to any third party except for the buyer and *** group that concerns trade marks, other logo or marks, copyright and other intellectual property right of the buyer and *** group, even if for the out season products, substandard products, rest products and unused/waste products or materials. In case the seller breaches, the buyer has the right to ask for indemnification including but not limited investigation fees, lawyer’s fees,compensation as well as all other fees according to the stipulations or Chinese laws.


  7. Both parties will try to resolve any dispute concerning the contract amicably. If the dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, any party may initial legal action.



  All appendixes to this contract should be bonded to the contract as a whole. 本合同所附带之所有附件及附带协议或合同将作为本合同不可分离之一部份. The contract includes two originals signed by the authorized signatories from each party on the following date, each party shall retain one fully signed originals and each copy has equal legal effect.


  This agreement is written in one form of two versions in English and Chinese, if both versions of English and Chinese are found inconsistent, the Chinese version should be the basis to follow.

  本合同为中英文版本书写, 如合同条款有中英文本不一致之处则以中文为准. Seller:Seller:

  卖方: 买方:

  Authorized representative: Authorized representative:

  授权代表 授权代表

  Signature: Signature:

  签名: 签名:


  盖章: 盖章:


  日期: 日期:

英文合同 篇3

  出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :

  承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :


  in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

  一、 物业地址 location of the premises


  party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

  二、 房屋面积 size of the premises


  the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size).

  三、 租赁期限 lease term


  the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).

  四、 租金 rental

  1. 数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付给甲方 。

  amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental

  to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.

  2. 租金按_____月为壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的.______日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担)。甲方收到租金后予书面签收。

  payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

  party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。

英文合同 篇4

  Employer: ___________ construction co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as party a)

  Contractor: _______________________________(hereinafter referred to as party b)

  In accordance with the contract law of the People's Republic of China, the construction law of the People's Republic of China and the interim provisions on the administration of labor contract administration of project projects. Party a decided to ________________ company alarm project subcontracting to party b department, to standardize the management, clear responsibility, agreed by both parties, this contract is made, to abide by.

  1. The contents of labor construction projects contracted by party a to party b are as follows:

  All bricks, stone masonry and plastering projects in the construction blueprint of the project; Rebar production and binding sub-projects; Template making and installation of sub-projects; Scaffolding works.

  Ii. Term of this contract:

  From the beginning of ___________ to _______ _______ _______.

  Iii. Engineering quality standard:

  The quality of all itemized projects is assured.

  Iv. Payment and payment method of labor management fee:

  1, turned over standard: the labor service project management fee RMB $ten thousand, paid by party b, party b can achieve according to the contract that the project department and construction quality, progress of the requirements of party a according to the management fee of _____ % back to party b as a reward.

  Payment method: payment of service fee shall be paid in two installments, that is, 50% before the main body is finished and 50% before the decoration is completed.

  V. responsibilities of party b.

  1. Party b shall provide relevant documents and qualifications and cooperate with party b to handle relevant procedures.

  To coordinate labor disputes and industrial accidents during construction.

  Vi. Responsibilities of party b:

  1, I am grateful to fully perform __________________ company and construction co., LTD. The project construction contract signed. And shall bear all the responsibilities and obligations of party b in the contract.

  2. Ensure the quality, progress and safety of all sub-projects to meet the contract requirements signed by the project department and the construction party. If not, it will be punished by 50% of the management fee.

  Vii. Matters not covered herein shall be negotiated by both parties, and the supplementary provisions may be signed by the parties hereto, which shall have the same legal effect as this contract.

  Viii. This contract is made in six originals, with each party holding three copies. The contract shall be executed by both parties and shall be completed upon completion of the project.

  Party a: _______________________ party b: ________________________

  Party a's representative: __________________ party b's representative: __________________.












  1、上缴标准:该工程项目劳务管理费为人民币壹拾万元整,由乙方上缴,如乙方能达到按该项目部与建设方所签订的合同中的质量、进度要求,则甲方按管理费的____ %返回乙方作为奖励。











  甲方代表:__________________ 乙方代表:__________________

英文合同 篇5

  Employment Contract


  Party A:




  Party B:


  ID No:



  According to the Labor Law of PRC China, Party A and Party B agree as follows:

  一、本合同期限 Contract Period

  本合同期______年__ 月 __日起至______年 ___月___日或本本合同约定终止条件出现时止。

  This agreement is valid from (Y/M/D) until (Y/M/D) or terminated by either party

  二、工作内容和工作时间 Responsibility & working hours

  1. 甲方聘请乙方担任 部门 职务,详见职务说明书。

  Party B's Department: Party B's position:

  Please refer to the job description for details.

  2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务

  Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time

  3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。

  There are 8 working hours a day, 40 working hours a week.

  4. 甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工作区域进行调整,乙方应当接受。如因甲方公司业务扩展需要或公司合并分立等变更,乙方同意按照法律规定延续此本合同,并接受甲方安排,在____(某地区)工作。

  If Party A needed to adjust Party B‘s position and working area for business development variety, Party B should accept it.

  三、工资 Salary

  乙方每月的基本工资:RMB 绩效工资:RMB 综合福利金:RMB ,工资总额为RMB 元(该金额尚未扣除税金、住房费用以及社会保险中个人应缴的部份),另甲方予以乙方工资总额7%的住房公积金(如法律规定住房公积金缴交基数有上限,则依照法规执行)试用期满,经考核后,根据考核结果确定是否正式录用,正式录用后薪金保持不变。甲方将视公司的盈利情况和乙方的考核结果,于每年的三月份进行薪金调整。

  Party B's monthly total revenue (before the deduction of tax, housing fund, social insurance paid by individual) each month would be RMB______ , including base wage RMB______ performance salary RMB_______and social welfare RMB______, And Party A will offer Party B 7% housing fund base on the total revenue, or any upper limit set by the local authority, whichever is the lower. After probation total revenue would be unchanged. Party B's salary will be reviewed annually in March and adjusted in light of Party B's performance and prevailing conditions.

  四、工资的发放 Payment


  Salary will be paid to Party B's account by T/T before the ____th of the following month.

  五、超时工作 Over Time


  Party B must try his best to increase the working efficiency to meet Party A's requirement. If there are special circumstances that Party B has to work overtime, Party B can arrange by themselves. If Party B requests OT payment, he/she must fill in the OT application form and have it approved by GM. OT Application Form without authorized signature is not valid.

  六、加班费 OT Compensation


  If Party B works over time and has approved by Party A, he/she will be offered the same period of compensation leave or OT salary according to Labor Law of PRC China.

  七、假期与福利 Holiday & Benefits

  1. 有薪国家法定假日 Statutory Holiday of PRC China with pay

  2. 有薪婚假/产假/丧假 Leave for Marriage, Maternity and Mourning with pay.

  3. 有薪年假 Annual leave with pay

  4. 社会保险 Social Insurance

  5. 年度奖金Annual bonus (based on the months worked with party A at the rate of one month‘s wage for each full year worked. )

  详情请参照《员工手册》Please refer to Party A's employee manual for detail info.

  八、劳动纪律 Discipline


  Party B shall strictly obey Party A‘ regulations and discipline. Please refer to Party A's employee manual.

  九、保密协议 Confidentiality


  The recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential, in accordance with the scope and duration agreed upon by both parties, the technical secrets contained in the technology provided by the supplier, which have not been made public.

  十、本合同终止 Termination

  1. 终止本本合同条件 Termination conditions

  A. 试用期间,双方皆可即时通知对方解除本本合同;

  During the probation period, either side can terminate the contract by immediate effect.

  B. 试用期满后,任何一方欲解除本合同,须提前三十日以书面形式通知对方。否则,违约方须向守约方支付违约金(违约金为乙方一个月的工资),若造成守约方经济损失的,应依法承担赔偿责任。

  Either side can terminate the contract by giving 30 days notice in written form after probation period.

  2. 甲方在下列情况下可随时直接地通知乙方解除本本合同,无须履行任何法定义务和手续,无须向乙方补偿If any case of the following circumstances, Party A has the right to inform Party B rescission of the contract:

  A. 乙方在试用期间达不到甲方的要求;Party B‘s performance can’t meet Party A‘s requirement.

  B. 乙方严重失职,给甲方利益造成重大损失的;

  The other party has breached the contract, to the extent that such breach has seriously affected the economic benefits expected when concluding the contract

  C. 违反甲方有关规定,应予开除的,详情请参照《员工手册》执行。The condition agreed on in the Party A's employee manual for rescission of the contract has arisen

  3. 乙方在下列情况下终止本本合同不需向甲方补偿

  If any one of the following circumstances, Party B has the right of inform Party A rescission of the contract without any compensation:

  A. 被非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的;

  Party B is forced to work by illegal means.

  B. 未按本本合同约定支付劳动报酬或劳动条件的;

  Party B cannot get the salary or working conditions which agreed in the contract.


  Both Party A and Party B shall obey the related regulation of PRC China and Party A's employee manual.


  This contract shall come into effect since both sides sign their names.


  N.B. In case of divergence, the Chinese texts shall be regarded as authentic. Two originals, one for Party A, the other one for Party B.

  甲、乙双方签署同意以上条款The above terms is agreed by:

  甲方(Party A) 签署日期(Date)

  乙方(Party B) 签署日期(Date)

英文合同 篇6

  编 号(No.) :_____________

  签约地点(Signed at) :________

  日 期(Date) :_____________

  卖方(Seller) :________________________

  地址(Address) :_______________________

  电话(Tel) :__________传真(Fax) :__________

  电子邮箱(E-mail) :_____________________

  买方(Buyer) : ______________________

  地址(Address) : ______________________

  电话(Tel) ::_________传真(Fax) :_____________

  电子邮箱(E-mail) : ______________________


  The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below:

  1. 货物名称、规格和质量 (Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity):

  2. 数量(Quantity):

  3. 单价及价格条款 (Unit Price and Terms of Delivery) ::

  (除非另有规定,“FOB”、“CFR”和“ CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的《20xx年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 20xx)办理。)

  The terms FOB,CFR,or CIF shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 20xx) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein.)

  4. 总价 (Total Amount):

  5. 允许溢短装(More or Less): ___%.

  6. 装运期限(Time of Shipment):


  Within _____ days after receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipment.

  7. 付款条件(Terms of Payment):

  买方须于____ 前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的.有效期延至装运期后_____天在中国到期,并必 须注明允许分批装运和转船。

  By Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the Seller before ______ and to remain valid for negotiation in China until ______after the Time of Shipment. The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed.

  买方未在规定的时间内开出信用证,卖方有权发出通知取消这个合同,或接受 买方对这个合同未执行的全部或部份,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。

  The Buyer shall establish a Letter of Credit before the above-stipulated time, failing which, the Seller shall have the right to rescind this Contract upon the arrival of the notice at Buyer or to accept whole or part of this Contract non fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for the direct losses sustained, if any.

  8. 包装(Packing):

  9. 保险(Insurance):


  Covering _____ Risks for______110% of Invoice Value to be effected by the ____________.

  10. 品质/数量异议 (Quality/Quantity discrepancy):



  In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization /or Post Office are liable.

  11. 由于发生人力不可抗拒的原因,致使本合约不能履行,部分或全部商品 延误交货,卖方概不负责。这个合同所指的不可抗力系指不可干预、不能避免且不 能克服的客观情况。 The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents which might occur. Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.

  12. 仲裁(Arbitration):

  因凡这个合同引起的或与这个合同有关的任何争议,如果商量不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会。按照申请仲裁时该会当时施行的仲裁 规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

  Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Sales Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall then be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) ,Shenzhen Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

  13. 通知(Notices):


  All notice shall be written in _____ and served to both parties by fax/e-mail /courier according to the following addresses. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within ____ days after the change.

  14. 这个合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。这个合同一式 _____ 份。自双方签字之日起生效。

  This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic. This Contract is in _____ copies effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.

  The Seller: The Buyer

  卖方签字(盖章): 买方签字(盖章):

英文合同 篇7

  合 同


  日期: 合同号码:

  Date: Contract No.:

  买 方: (The Buyers) 卖方: (The Sellers)


  This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

  (1) 商品名称:

  Name of Commodity:

  (2) 数 量:


  (3) 单 价:

  Unit price:

  (4) 总 值:

  Total Value:

  (5) 包 装:


  (6) 生产国别:

  Country of Origin :

  (7) 支付条款:

  Terms of Payment:

  (8) 保 险:


  (9) 装运期限:

  Time of Shipment:

  (10) 起 运 港:

  Port of Lading:

  (11) 目 的 港:

  Port of Destination:



  Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers.


  Force Majeure:

  The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.



  All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

  买方: 卖方:

  (授权签字) (授权签字)










