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  ①John Alder David Wilkinson.Enviromental Law  ,1999,Chapter 7,p.21l.

  ②Andre Jordan and Anthony R.zito,“New Instruments of  Enviromental Governance?National ExPerioces and Prospects,p?180.

  ③Reid, Environmental Law,:Sifting Through  The  Rubbish  (1995),JR p.238.

  ④Bell  McGILLivray,Environmental Law :the Law and policy relating to the protection of the enviroment,Fifth Editinn,(Black-Stone,2000),Chapter l,p.10;Weale,A.et al.(2000),Enviromental Governance in Europe,Oxford Oxford University press . P. 177,Jordan,A.(2002a)The Europeanization of British Enviromental Policy,London: Palgrave,in Andrew Jordan .

  ⑤Bell  McGILivray: Environmental Law :the Law and policy relating to to the protection of the enviroment,Fifth Editinn(Black-Stone,2000),Chapter l,p.10-11.Reid:Enviromental Law: Sifting Through  The  Rubbish  (1995),JR p.238.

  吕晨光 周珂

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