

时间:2022-08-24 03:57:55 高中英语作文 我要投稿




英语高中作文 篇1







英语高中作文 篇2

  on a sunny morning, iao hong from orange town was on her way to her friends house in green hill, a small town she had never been to before. at a crossroads, she found the signpost showing the directions had fallen over. she got lost.

  how could she find out which way to go? consider two or three different ways of working out the problem.

  correct directions

  first of all, iao hong could ask a passer-by for directions.since it was a sunny day, she could also use the position of the sun to tell the directions. and finally she could also replace the signpost so that it correctly named the direction she had come from. then it would be correct for all the other directions.

英语高中作文 篇3

  Iraq is a part of the middle east next to iran & kuwait. it is very important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum fields.

  It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war started.

  on september 11,20xx,the twin towers in new york as well as parts of the pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made george bush declared to fight the country’s enemies.

  It was said that iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the un to find the clues.

  Though no evidence was found, america still wanted to go to war with iraq and the main target is sadam hussein.

  The war was just like the quiet battle between france and china in 1800s.it was said that a relation of sadam betrayed him.

  I think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight.

  It is related to so many victims’ inrerests . As a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.

英语高中作文 篇4

  I had the compartment on the train to myself up to rohana,and then a girl got on. the couple seeing her off were probably her parents,they seemed very anious about her comfort,and the woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers.

  AsI had become blind by then,I could not tell what the girl looked like,but I knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels,and I liked the sound of her voice.“are you going all the way to dehra dun﹖”I asked her as the train pulled out of the station.I must have been sitting in a dark corner,because my voice startled her. she gave a little eclamation, and said, “I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

  Well,It often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them.They have too much to observe,I suppose, whereas those who cannot see take in what registers most telling on their remaining senses.

  “I didn’t see you either at first,” I said. “but I heard you come in.”I wondered if I would be able to prevent her from discovering that I couldn’t see.I thought,provided I keep to my seat,it shouldn’t be too difficult.

  “I’m getting down at saharanpur,”the girl said.“my aunt is meeting me there.Where are you going﹖”

  “To dehra dun,and then to mussoorie,”I replied.

  “Oh,lucky you!I wish I were going to mussoorie.I love the mountains.Especially in october.”

  “Yes,this is the best time.”I said,calling on my memories when I could see.“The hills are covered with wild dahlias,the sun is delicious,and at night you can sit in front of a log fire and drink a little brandy.Most of the tourists have gone,and the roads are quiet and almost deserted.”

  She was silent,and I wondered if my words had touched her,or whether she thought me a romantic fool.Then I made a mistake.“what is it like outside﹖” I asked.

英语高中作文 篇5

  Is it good for students to do some housework.

  Some people think studengts need not do any housework. They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don't think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.

  Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent. You can't depend on others all your life. So,you should learn to do some housework now.

  Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

  Finally, to do some housework can share your parents' work. They must be happy if you say” Have a rest, and I will do the housework”

  So I think it is good for students to do some housework.







英语高中作文 篇6

  The English language has become an international language because itis used by people in the most countries in the world now.

  In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must learn English because most ofthem speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written in English, If you know much English, you will read newspapers andmagazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do what you should dofor the world peace.

  English is very important to us, but many students dont know why he should learn it. I hope that all thestudents should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.



英语高中作文 篇7

  Today is Monday; I wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then I have my breakfast at home and take the subway to school. I am quite excited about this day, because our chemistry teacher will teach us to do an interesting experiment. This experiment is about how to create soap. Last week, the chemistry teacher promised that we would have something fun in this week. Making our own special soap is the mission in this class.

  今天是星期一,我早上六点就起床了。再吃过了早餐之后,我搭地铁去学校。对于今天要做的事情,我很兴奋。因为我们的化学老师要教我们做个有趣的.实验。这个实验就是如何制作肥皂。上个星期,化学老师向我们保证这周会做个有趣的实验,而创造出属于自己的一块肥皂就是这次课的主要内容。 When the experience begins, the whole class is very exciting; we mix the oil, water and lye. You need to be very careful, because the lye is harmful to the skin. Then we will stir the oil and lye for about ten minutes, the chemistry reaction will make the liquid into solid. Then the soap comes into being. Although the process is tired, we have a lot of fun. The most important thing is we learn how to make soap. The time passes so quickly, we feel very busy but learn a lot of useful things. 当实验开始的时候,整个班级都很兴奋。我们把油、水和碱液混合在一起。你必须非常小心,因为碱液会腐蚀皮肤。然后我们就开始搅拌液体。大约10分钟过后,发生的化学反应就把液体变成了固体,肥皂就形成了。虽然这个过程很累,但是我们得到了很多乐趣。最重要的是我们学会了如何制作肥皂。时间过得太快,我们感觉很忙碌,但也学到了很多有用的东西。

英语高中作文 篇8

  On Sunday morning, I got up early. I think today is mother's day. Since I can't give my mother a gift to express my love for my mother, I'll help mom share some housework.

  First of all, I glanced at my room and surprised me, and the room was tossing around me again and again. I used to feel that my room was neat and tidy, and now I realized that it was my mother's hard sweat. Every morning when I get up, I go to school, but after I go to school at noon, my room is tidy again. Mother is a neat person. Sometimes she starts to tidy up my room before going to work, and even I can't take care of breakfast. My mother has been trying to tidy up my room without complaint. So that there are some silver threads on Mother's hair. It is not a taste in my mind to think of it. Pondering over for a while, decided to help her mother do more housework.

  I piled the table on the table into a hill like book and put it on the side. Then I began to fold the quilt, because I was tired and tired because of little strength, which made me feel the pain of doing housework.

  After I cleaned up my room, I came to the living room. Yesterday, I had a dust storm for a day. Although I closed the window door, there was still a trace of dust storm in the room. I didn't use the vacuum cleaner because the vacuum cleaner was too noisy, and I was afraid of waking my father. I first swept the dust into a pile with a broom, and put it in a wastebasket and then wiped it again with a wet towel. The floor was cleaned, but the footprints were left, so I had to rub them again.

  At last, I came to the kitchen to sort out the things in the kitchen and wipe them all again. I looked at the neat new kitchen, and I smiled happily. At this point, I felt uncomfortable on my back and scratched with my hands. Oh, unconsciously, it has already perspired. This sweat dripped into my heart like sweet dew and recalled my memory of my mother's busy figure in the past. I was tired and tired of watching my work, and I sat down on the stool. Only then did I realize my mother's difficulties in doing housework. At this time some pain in the waist, want to lie down. But I do not want to lie on the bed I have just laid up for fear of destroying the fruits of my labour.

  The night shift's mother came back and saw her home so clean and tidy. First I was surprised, then I asked my father to understand. My mother came to my room and felt my wet head. The tears of excitement were swirling around my eyes. Mother boasts that I have grown up. I took my mother's hand and said, "this is my gift to you. Happy mother's day."

  I understand that there are many things in life that are not small but good.

















